Paddling the Saugatuck
Eastern Mountain Sports sponsored this great 101 level paddling trip that I signed up for way back when - the day I rented my first Kayak. $20 for the whole shebang. Awesome. Was supposed to be a few weekends back when we had all the rains, and (thankfully) they cancelled. So we got to go out this past Saturday, in the heat. Could not have been more perfect. Jenny and Gil also signed up so I knew we'd have some big giggles. After Gil and I bonded out there at the Safety Clinic, no doubt it was going to be a blast.
So we assemble at EMS early, ready to hit the road at 10. Meet Kim, our leader for the day, and just the coolest woman on the planet. Our companions on this trip included Toby, Jeannie, Claire, Mary and Jeannie, and two other dudes whose names escape me (sorry guys!). Load up the cars and head down to the launch on the Saugatuck under 95. Yes a boat launch under 95. Who knew ?
Here's Jenny just before we put in:
And shots of the other paddlers getting ready (overheard, "if this takes any longer I'm going to need a bathroom"):
So then this very helpful stranger showed up and told us the preferred method of parking under the bridge, since of course we asked. Jenny and she recognized each other from KFAC V and started reminiscing. Jeannie our tourmate is also in this shot. She decided to focus instead on her PFD. Gil is just out of frame to your left, he decided to focus on reading the waivers very carefully.
Here it is - your first shot from the cockpit as I saw it that day! That's Gil looking very pointy but his do-rag just caught the wind. Kim is next to him asking his advice on how she should hold her paddle. Jenny is over to the right.
In blogger time, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but here's the very welcome view of the bridge on Route 1 with all those lovely flags. That's Toby ahead of me. This point was our turn around spot. Next time you get off 95 on exit 17 (I know all my readers are Dunville's regulars, its ok, you can admit it) - pay attention to how long it takes you to *drive* to the intersection with Route 1. Just for me.
And it got even closer. Kim told me to wait there and get her a double skim latte at Starbucks. Loved this girl. Gil is under the bridge and Jenny is to the left (looking for a bar I believe).
Kim informed me that it was unusual to be able to pass under the bridge due to the tides. So under we went ! I want you all to look down next time you cross that bridge. It was so very cool. But the water? Pretty gross. More motivation to *not* dump over. Ewwwwww.
Here we are - the lot of us, taking a breather and re-assembling. Left to right, Claire, Toby, Kim.
And Gil. Feeling strong. Looking more like a pro than we did last week in that farking safety clinic. I think he's happy I didnt remember the camera last time.
Requisite photo of me looking all relaxed and happy. Click and it gets bigger. Actually they all do but I know you didn't wonder that until now. But they do.
Here's the view heading back towards 95. Don't look down at that water. And for Gods sakes, don't click *this* pic to look closer at what's floating in that water.
OK so the reason you didnt get any pics of the trip back before this shot is that the wind was going against us. It started not being fun. I started thinking "What on earth am I undertaking trying to cross the bloody sound??" Started freaking out a little bit. Fighting wind aint fun. And then ....
Helpful parking attendant lady comes up on my left, going the opposite direction and yells "You've got rowers behind you!" - and I say "thank you" and turn around and HOLY CRAP these four guys are flying furiously towards me, full four body speed ahead, and I hear "KAYAKER!" and I start thinking "um, who's the one rowing backwards, dudes" but got my little butt outta the way anyway. I am having a flashback now of them crashing into Gil - is that true ? Gil was ahead of me so it must have been on their way up - before they turned around and careened towards me.
So needless to say, sweet westporty kids that they are, they rowed on by but didn't hit me. I think they wanted me to thank them for being so considerate. I felt like I do when I ski nowadays, and get skimmed by snowboarders going 140 MPH. Old and slow. Lovely. If anyone can clarify exactly what I should have done in that situation (no rear view, I didnt hear them coming, had no idea they were there, but *they* were the ones going backwards) please enlighten me. Took a pic of them over my shoulder.
And this was kinda fascinating, too. What appeared to be lobster traps by the thousand stacked up under the 95 bridge. Who knew ? Tell me the story if you know it.
And here I am coming into the basin. So pretty even though it doesnt seem so from this pic. Rode part of the way with Claire, a hearty chick who acts half her age. Talk about an inspiration for me! Might see her out with us for KFAC VII!
Apparently about half of our group didn't make it back past the 95 bridge. Kim caught up to those of us in the basin (me and Claire, and Jen, Gil and Toby) and asked us to paddle back as we were going to head back. All in all, Kim said we paddled about 5 miles. Not bad, and once I got myself in the right head space to paddle against the wind (that was about when Claire caught up to me) I felt great, and could have kept going for a while. That was a good feeling !
Here's Gil and Toby tying two boats onto the roof of my Heep for the ride back to EMS.
Mary and Jeannie were patiently waiting for the Big Boys to help them. Ends up all they needed was me and my arm wrestling strength to get that tandem boat up on their car. Yee hah ! And get this - Mary's boat was a Mothers Day gift from her kids! Hint hint Kate, they just released the prices for the KFAC boats post-event. I am sure you can hide it somewhere until next May.
Here's the KFAC crew with Kim before we all said our goodbyes. Thanks for a great day Kim - and keep us in mind next time you organize a trip anywhere! And that's Jenny's kayak on top of her car. She felt strongly that her kayak should also be included in the photo.
And here's our group without the two dudes who remain nameless who took off before the rest of us. Great day, and thanks Mary and Jeannie and Claire for sponsoring us! You guys were great and we want you in KFAC VII in 2007 !
Left to right, Claire, Jeannie 1, Mary, Kim (squatting) Jeannie 2, me (squatting) Toby, Jen and Gil.
So we assemble at EMS early, ready to hit the road at 10. Meet Kim, our leader for the day, and just the coolest woman on the planet. Our companions on this trip included Toby, Jeannie, Claire, Mary and Jeannie, and two other dudes whose names escape me (sorry guys!). Load up the cars and head down to the launch on the Saugatuck under 95. Yes a boat launch under 95. Who knew ?
Here's Jenny just before we put in:
And shots of the other paddlers getting ready (overheard, "if this takes any longer I'm going to need a bathroom"):
So then this very helpful stranger showed up and told us the preferred method of parking under the bridge, since of course we asked. Jenny and she recognized each other from KFAC V and started reminiscing. Jeannie our tourmate is also in this shot. She decided to focus instead on her PFD. Gil is just out of frame to your left, he decided to focus on reading the waivers very carefully.
Here it is - your first shot from the cockpit as I saw it that day! That's Gil looking very pointy but his do-rag just caught the wind. Kim is next to him asking his advice on how she should hold her paddle. Jenny is over to the right.
In blogger time, it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but here's the very welcome view of the bridge on Route 1 with all those lovely flags. That's Toby ahead of me. This point was our turn around spot. Next time you get off 95 on exit 17 (I know all my readers are Dunville's regulars, its ok, you can admit it) - pay attention to how long it takes you to *drive* to the intersection with Route 1. Just for me.
And it got even closer. Kim told me to wait there and get her a double skim latte at Starbucks. Loved this girl. Gil is under the bridge and Jenny is to the left (looking for a bar I believe).
Kim informed me that it was unusual to be able to pass under the bridge due to the tides. So under we went ! I want you all to look down next time you cross that bridge. It was so very cool. But the water? Pretty gross. More motivation to *not* dump over. Ewwwwww.
Here we are - the lot of us, taking a breather and re-assembling. Left to right, Claire, Toby, Kim.
And Gil. Feeling strong. Looking more like a pro than we did last week in that farking safety clinic. I think he's happy I didnt remember the camera last time.
Requisite photo of me looking all relaxed and happy. Click and it gets bigger. Actually they all do but I know you didn't wonder that until now. But they do.
Here's the view heading back towards 95. Don't look down at that water. And for Gods sakes, don't click *this* pic to look closer at what's floating in that water.
OK so the reason you didnt get any pics of the trip back before this shot is that the wind was going against us. It started not being fun. I started thinking "What on earth am I undertaking trying to cross the bloody sound??" Started freaking out a little bit. Fighting wind aint fun. And then ....
Helpful parking attendant lady comes up on my left, going the opposite direction and yells "You've got rowers behind you!" - and I say "thank you" and turn around and HOLY CRAP these four guys are flying furiously towards me, full four body speed ahead, and I hear "KAYAKER!" and I start thinking "um, who's the one rowing backwards, dudes" but got my little butt outta the way anyway. I am having a flashback now of them crashing into Gil - is that true ? Gil was ahead of me so it must have been on their way up - before they turned around and careened towards me.
So needless to say, sweet westporty kids that they are, they rowed on by but didn't hit me. I think they wanted me to thank them for being so considerate. I felt like I do when I ski nowadays, and get skimmed by snowboarders going 140 MPH. Old and slow. Lovely. If anyone can clarify exactly what I should have done in that situation (no rear view, I didnt hear them coming, had no idea they were there, but *they* were the ones going backwards) please enlighten me. Took a pic of them over my shoulder.
And this was kinda fascinating, too. What appeared to be lobster traps by the thousand stacked up under the 95 bridge. Who knew ? Tell me the story if you know it.
And here I am coming into the basin. So pretty even though it doesnt seem so from this pic. Rode part of the way with Claire, a hearty chick who acts half her age. Talk about an inspiration for me! Might see her out with us for KFAC VII!
Apparently about half of our group didn't make it back past the 95 bridge. Kim caught up to those of us in the basin (me and Claire, and Jen, Gil and Toby) and asked us to paddle back as we were going to head back. All in all, Kim said we paddled about 5 miles. Not bad, and once I got myself in the right head space to paddle against the wind (that was about when Claire caught up to me) I felt great, and could have kept going for a while. That was a good feeling !
Here's Gil and Toby tying two boats onto the roof of my Heep for the ride back to EMS.
Mary and Jeannie were patiently waiting for the Big Boys to help them. Ends up all they needed was me and my arm wrestling strength to get that tandem boat up on their car. Yee hah ! And get this - Mary's boat was a Mothers Day gift from her kids! Hint hint Kate, they just released the prices for the KFAC boats post-event. I am sure you can hide it somewhere until next May.
Here's the KFAC crew with Kim before we all said our goodbyes. Thanks for a great day Kim - and keep us in mind next time you organize a trip anywhere! And that's Jenny's kayak on top of her car. She felt strongly that her kayak should also be included in the photo.
And here's our group without the two dudes who remain nameless who took off before the rest of us. Great day, and thanks Mary and Jeannie and Claire for sponsoring us! You guys were great and we want you in KFAC VII in 2007 !
Left to right, Claire, Jeannie 1, Mary, Kim (squatting) Jeannie 2, me (squatting) Toby, Jen and Gil.
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